Die Suche ergab 5 Treffer


von Numis-Student
Di 02.03.21 21:53
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Re: Jage Vietnams Münzen!

Hallo Marcus,

es dürfte sich um den Weltmünzkatalog "Schön" handeln, auf einer vietnamesischen Tastatur dürfte ein ö nicht vorgesehen sein ;-)

Schöne Grüße
von Atalaya
Fr 21.05.21 09:33
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Re: Ho Chi Minh - Ho Ci Minh

Hello, that's a medal issued by " Solidaritätskomitee der DDR " (A commitee in the former GDR). There is a catalogue entry for it in this excerpt: Klaus Junghänel, Abzeichen und Medaillen aus der DDR 7(2017), No. 9117. Edit: This Medal seems to have been rewarded to persons, who helped within the "a...
von Mynter
Fr 21.05.21 10:38
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Re: Ho Chi Minh - Ho Ci Minh

I believe Atalaya has wrapped it all up. One more thing perhaps. The design and style of this medal are typical for the Berlin Mint, wich presumably was the only institution in East- Germany being able to strike medals of this quality.
von Atalaya
Fr 21.05.21 15:36
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Re: Ho Chi Minh - Ho Ci Minh

I am sorry, unfortunately I have no Ho Chi Minh portraits in my collection. I didn't even know, that there are German medals with his image until I saw your post.
Kind regards,
von Atalaya
Sa 22.05.21 08:29
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Re: Vietnam Siegt

I guess these medals are memorabilia. Both are issued by a cultural institution called "Deutscher Kulturbund". The one from 1972 was maybe given to visitors of the "VIII. Bundeskongress", meaning 8th general congress of the Kulturbund. This congress was held in October 1972 in Berlin. The one from 1...