Vietnam Siegt

Diskussionen rund um Medaillen, Medailleure, Jetons, Rechenpfennige

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Vietnam Siegt

Beitrag von be.hanoi » Sa 22.05.21 05:17

Vietnam Siegt.jpg
Dear all Collectors,
I have 2 medals that issued from DDR but I have not information about them.
Please, share to me some information about them.
I will be very happy when would you post an other medal, token with letter "Hanoi; Vietnam; Ho Chi Minh"
Best Wishes,

Beiträge: 1221
Registriert: Mo 20.01.20 10:47
Hat sich bedankt: 2695 Mal
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Re: Vietnam Siegt

Beitrag von Atalaya » Sa 22.05.21 08:29

I guess these medals are memorabilia. Both are issued by a cultural institution called "Deutscher Kulturbund". The one from 1972 was maybe given to visitors of the "VIII. Bundeskongress", meaning 8th general congress of the Kulturbund. This congress was held in October 1972 in Berlin. The one from 1970 was probably handed out during a similar congress, but it doesn't say so on the medal.

Both have the same legend and image. "Vietnam siegt" on the side with the image means "Vietnam is/will be victorious". On the other side it reads "Solidarität hilft Siegen" meaning "solidarity helps winning". As a socialist state, GDR was of course supporting Vietcong during the war in Vietnam. So these medals are witnesses of the political situation of the time.

Western Germany on the other hand was on the side of USA at the time. However, during the student protests of 1968 and after, many western German students showed solidarity with Vietcong against US too (like in USA itself and elsewhere). There was even a program (pdf-file, German) to find parents in Western Germany for Vietnamese children, who lost their families during the war (terre des hommes, around 250 children were adopted). 

Kind regards,
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor Atalaya für den Beitrag:
be.hanoi (So 23.05.21 06:18)
Et tant pis pour ceux qui s′étonnent // Et que les autres me pardonnent // Mais les enfants ce sont les mêmes // À Paris ou à Göttingen.
Barbara, 1964.

Beiträge: 15
Registriert: Fr 16.10.20 15:38
Hat sich bedankt: 4 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 2 Mal

Re: Vietnam Siegt

Beitrag von be.hanoi » So 23.05.21 06:24

Hello Atalaya,
Very good information.
I am a Vietnamese and can not used German language. The information you provided is very helpful for me. Thank you so much !
Best Wishes,

Beiträge: 1221
Registriert: Mo 20.01.20 10:47
Hat sich bedankt: 2695 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 1844 Mal

Re: Vietnam Siegt

Beitrag von Atalaya » So 23.05.21 08:29

You are welcome! I'm glad I could help.

Kind regards,
Et tant pis pour ceux qui s′étonnent // Et que les autres me pardonnent // Mais les enfants ce sont les mêmes // À Paris ou à Göttingen.
Barbara, 1964.

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