Anfang des 3. Reiches

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Re: Anfang des 3. Reiches

Beitrag von LordLindsey » Fr 22.04.16 23:03


Just saw this posting and want to add a few comments, as I am the lucky (?) buyer of this coin at künker :)

As far as I could follow up there are at least 3 pieces (regardless of Metal) still existent: one is displayed in the Schaaf catalogue, one was sold by Grün in 1999 and one by künker this year. In case anyone knows about another piece, please let me know.

This pattern was made during the peak preparation time for the so called Colonial Empire "German-Middle Africa". Between Summer 1940 and Winter 1941 numerous initiatives in many areas were launched by the Nazi government, amongst them the testing of appropriate cost efficient materials for the future local currency. On my coin, you can still see traces from testing as described by Schaaf.

Is 900 EUR a fair price? In the light of the history and rarity of this pattern and in comparison with prices of other, less historic ones I think so :)


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