One of the members of our Metaldetecting Forum found this Einseitige Pfennig of Konrad von Zähringen , Freiburg , 1120 -1140
Coin found in the south of Germany .
We already found info of this coin but I have some questions .
Is this a rare coin ? and is there a reference of this coin ?
All further info is welcome !
Regards, Pinpoint
Pfennig , Konrad von Zähringen, Freiburg
- Lackland
- Beiträge: 2875
- Registriert: Fr 13.10.23 18:02
- Wohnort: Vorderösterreich
- Hat sich bedankt: 4351 Mal
- Danksagung erhalten: 4363 Mal
Re: Pfennig , Konrad von Zähringen, Freiburg
Hi Pinpoint,
this coin is very rare - and in great condition for this coinage.
Here something to compare (and maybe more answers for you in the description):
Kind regards
this coin is very rare - and in great condition for this coinage.
Here something to compare (and maybe more answers for you in the description):
Kind regards
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